
I just reflashed a bad mapped ecu back to factory oem today.. They fucked up the checksum and had a copy of ori file.. Checksum online completed and tested OK.. I use it on my win 10 tower..bench And my win 11 laptop.. Obd. Both work good.. But Internet connection sometimes drops while writing... But reflash again works.. Just check your date is staying 00.00 hours 2022.. Also you can try using a good vpn and choose a good speed near China as a location for vpn.. I haven't actually tried it tho.. 🤔 But some guys using similar kt200 clonewhich is based of fox flash looks like.... say they do that and the connection is more stable.. My genuine fdb technologies works well... But what you got to lose.? . Deep delete all fox flash temp folders etc.. Vpn.. Download manager.. And go.. Just remember to keep manager open.. Then open fox flash app.. Leaving manager window on.. Redownload all resources.. I've been kicked out lots.. And just Redownload and I'm in again.. I agree. It's frustrating.. But.. It's cheaper than on ori ktag..
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